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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2007
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, C. Prager, W. Ritter

Members Absent:         O. Lies, D. Lindberg

Others Present:         Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

Discussion of Holden Hills Retirement Community/Alyssa Real Estate:  Roger Kane attended the meeting to discuss his future plans for the property and the possibility of placing approximately 120 acres under Conservation Restriction, and lifting the age restriction.  Advise will be needed from Town Council.  The applicant would need a variance from the ZBA for density, lot size and use.  A site plan and special permit will be submitted to the Planing Board after the applicant gets the variance from the ZBA.

Winterberry Hollow Review:  The Board reviewed a letter from P. Harding to Ronald Spakauskas, ZBA Chair, with project concerns.  The applicant is at the beginning stages of negotiations.  The Board discussed the list of waivers, P. Harding was concerned with the number of waivers the applicant was requesting.  About 40 acres consists of resource areas.  The Board will be more specific with comments for the ZBA at the next meeting.

67 Brewer Way, ZBA Recommendations - Request for Variance:.  The applicants, Barbara and Paul Bashan, are seeking a variance from the lot width requirement to create a building lot on Brewer Way.  The lot has the required area and frontage but not the required lot width.  R. Ricker motioned to recommend to the ZBA to maintain the integrity of the Zoning by law.  W. Ritter seconded.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

8 Colonial Road:  An additional application requesting a variance for the location of a driveway within 100’ of an intersecting road for the operation of a day care facility.  This application is in addition for a special permit to operate a day care facility which was previously submitted.  The applicant will need State approval to open a driveway onto Main St.  C. Prager motioned that the Board recommend, to the ZBA, not to approve because it would set a precedence for other home/businesses to request the same.  W. Ritter motion to amend the motion adding it is a public safety concern with a driveway so close to an intersection of a pubic way.  C. Prager withdrew her motion, and seconded W. Ritter’s amended motion.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

ANR Alden Woods Subdivision/Blair Dr.:  No additional lots are being create but lot lines had to be altered.  W. Ritter motioned to approve as submitted.  R. Ricker seconded.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

125 Chapin Road:  Boisvert is proposing to create two lots in an R-40 zoning district.  The lots have the required area and frontage but one lot lacks the required lot width.  This is an 18 lot parcel.  The plans do not show the terminus of Chapin Way, and does not conform to zoning requirements.  Conditions:  Terminus of Chapin Road to be put on the plans, and the lot width does not conform to By laws requirements.  W. Ritter motioned to approve with the conditions.  R. Ricker seconded.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

Other Business:
Flags and sandwich signs discussion.

40R needs replacement for Bill Scanlon.
No information on Walgreens.
Sewer Capacity.

Meeting Minutes:
March 13, 2007:  Tabled

NEXT MEETINGS:  April 24, 2007

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned at 8:40 PM.

April 10, 2007 meeting minutes approved:        August 28, 2007 

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary